yall stop posting hereeee in Don’t harass people (why do y’all still post here 😭)

Rules: no harassing. Ye.

More than anything just hits different.

Btw More than anything is a Hazbin hotel song.


How to fix this issue:

:) Disk Space is taking space without doing anything on your PC.

Hmm so I was just searching up why my :) disk space was filling itself on my PC and it seems like people use treesize or something like that and it helps. I might try that myself since I need it.

Cute pocket cat and puppy 3d updated last year! It's sad that no one really plays it anymore, it feels empty and depressing. I hope it revives and it won't be so empty anymore and goes back to its glory old days.

Playing a childhood game that is on mobile but I don't know if it'll be available for everyone's device but it was pretty good but I think the creator stopped updating it unfortunately but I still love it!

its already over people,


Alright so I'm quitting, I am not happy with people content farming Lia because it's fucking stupid. The other reason is because I don't ever want to see Lia again. And the last reason is because I'm just tired of the drama on here.